Sonic Rob: OK, new DLC class: The Trillionaire.
Sonic Rob: You are a clone of Handsome Jack created by a New-U malfunction
Sonic Rob: Handsome Jacques
Sonic Rob: you have a French accent now
Sonic Rob: Jacques le Beau
Sonic Rob: Your skill trees are: Wealth, Arrogance, and Delusion
Sonic Rob: Wealth skills allow you to buff your chances of item drops, increase the amount of cash the team earns, and allow you to spend cash and items in return for summonable one-shot pets and ammo crates in the field
Sonic Rob: wealth lets you spend eridium on adding e-tech effects to weapons
Sonic Rob: 1-point talent: summon vending machine
Sonic Rob: Delusion talents allow you to completely ignore reality and substitute your own
Sonic Rob: Arrogance talents allow you to irritate the hell out of enemies
Sonic Rob: Summon Butt Stallion
Sonic Rob: 1 point talent: I Fucked Your Mom
Sonic Rob: (Probably. I Mean, Odds Are I Did)
Sonic Rob: ((Chicks Dig Rich Guys))
Continue reading Chat Box: Borderlands 2 New Class
Tag: chat
What’s My Name: Resume Edition
FyreHaar: we got one today
FyreHaar: and the e-mail on the resume was
FyreHaar: MrVegas1965
Sonic Rob: on
Sonic Rob: on a resume?
FyreHaar: yes
Sonic Rob: like, to try and get a job with?
FyreHaar: at a fortune 500 company
Sonic Rob: Mr Vegas 1965 is your email address if you do Mel Torme covers on Fremont Street
FyreHaar: is that not hilarious?
Sonic Rob: It says (in order): I am slightly patriarchal; I lack any sense of irony when consuming popular culture; I am around 50 years old
FyreHaar: didn’t even read the rest of the resume
Sonic Rob: gmail is free, yo!
FyreHaar: right?
FyreHaar: you can make a new address!
FyreHaar: they aren’t rationed
Sonic Rob: Dude P Dudington@gmail is available right now
Sonic Rob: or whatever your name is
FyreHaar: or yahoo
FyreHaar: or hotmail
FyreHaar: or whatever
Sonic Rob: I feel bad for this dude. He is a middle aged guy, on his 2nd or 3rd career now, and not internet savvy enough to realize that his old AOL account name isn’t very professional
FyreHaar: did you not have e-mail at your last job?
FyreHaar: do you think it has to be the same user name everywhere or you will break the internet?
Continue reading What’s My Name: Resume Edition
Chat Box
Sonic Rob: I was listening to a podcast
Sonic Rob: Ash Bursh was saying there is feminist film crit about how Uma Thurman has to use a sword/phallus and dress like a man in Kill Bill
Sonic Rob: and I was thinking
Sonic Rob: at the end she is dressed like a woman and she beats him by catching his sword in her sheath
Sonic Rob: which is pretty goddamned vaginal
FyreHaar: you know I never saw Part II, right?
Sonic Rob: fuck you, spoiler statute of limitations is up
FyreHaar: or you do now
Sonic Rob: it’s been like 8 years
FyreHaar: oh, I’m not complaining about the spoiler
FyreHaar: and yes it’s extremely vaginal
FyreHaar: as if to truly overthrow the masculine enemy she must stop using that enemies tools and tactics
FyreHaar: and embrace her essential femininity
Sonic Rob: well, then she punches him to death
Chat Box: Spoiling Your Spoilers With Spoilers So Spoily They’re Spoiling Themselves, Yo
FyreHaar: finished the main story in Ass Creed Rev
Sonic Rob: oh, right on

Seriously, after this it’s 10 pages of us giving away all the awesome stuff
Chat Box
Sonic Rob: question, btw
Fyrehaar: ??
Sonic Rob: yo, is this racist?: Leeroy Jenkins
Fyrehaar: ooohhh
Fyrehaar: good question
Sonic Rob: cause it’s funny as fuck
Sonic Rob: but the name, and the way he says it
Sonic Rob: and the chicken
Fyrehaar: well
Fyrehaar: we aren’t laughing because we don’t know Leeroy’s race, although there is an implication of blackness
Fyrehaar: we are laughing at his buddies
Fyrehaar: who do all this planning and get fucked
Sonic Rob: I dunno, Leeroy’s pretty fuckin funny too
Fyrehaar: so I would say
Fyrehaar: probably not
Fyrehaar: it’s more like, Yo, is this Geekist?
Continue reading Chat Box
Chat Box: Now With SPOILERS
Fyrehaar: dude
Fyrehaar: reviews of Dragon tattoo
Fyrehaar: that it is shallow
Fyrehaar: no connection to the characters
Fyrehaar: like, it looks good
Fyrehaar: but that is it
Sonic Rob: SF Gate review has massive, massive fucking spoilers
Sonic Rob: I get why, cause otherwise it’s so shocking you’ll fucking die
Sonic Rob: but goddammit, you can’t do that shit
Fyrehaar: they just assume everyone has read it
Fyrehaar: I feel like a lot of people who read the book didn’t get it at all
Continue reading Chat Box: Now With SPOILERS
Chat Box: Technology
Sonic Rob:
Sonic Rob: when is this shit coming out?
Fyrehaar: cool
Sonic Rob: they’ve had the tech for like 5 or 6 years, it’s just not at consumer price levels yet
Sonic Rob: and now with cloud and streaming, physical media may be done
Fyrehaar: yeah
Sonic Rob: it’s the saber-toothed tiger of optical disc media
Fyrehaar: rawr!!!
Guest Chat: Getting Excited About Video Games
Sig Fem Seks: Oh man
Sig Fem Seks: I’m getting excited about video games
Sig Fem Seks: Uncharted 3 and Skyrim are so close
Sonic Rob: it is true
Sonic Rob: I just started playing Catherine, so I have high hopes for that
Sig Fem Seks: I almost started Brotherhood yesterday
Sonic Rob: =(
Sig Fem Seks: but I realized that I won’t be able to finish it by the time Uncharted comes out
Sonic Rob: yeah
Sonic Rob: see, this is why being a player of new games sucks
Sonic Rob: you are beholden to release schedules
Sig Fem Seks: I’ve come to a realization that if I start a game and I don’t finish it before I start another game, I will never finish it
Sonic Rob: so don’t start the other game
Sonic Rob: I am sure there will be copies of Uncharted to buy once you are done with Brotherhood
Sig Fem Seks: No but that’s the problem
Sig Fem Seks: I have to play Uncharted ASAP
Sonic Rob: why?
Sig Fem Seks: to avoid spoilers and because I’ve been waiting for so long
Sonic Rob: hm
Sonic Rob: you know
Sonic Rob: I don’t think I wait for games
Sonic Rob: the statement “I’ve been waiting so long for this game that I must play it ASAP” has no resonance with me
Sig Fem Seks: Brotherhood is something I look forward to starting when I have nothing else to play
Sig Fem Seks: because I know it’ll be good
Sonic Rob: wait wait
Sonic Rob: you have to play Uncharted now
Sonic Rob: because you don’t know if it’ll be good?
Sig Fem Seks: Uncharted is on a different level than Brotherhood
Sig Fem Seks: I know it will be amazing
Sig Fem Seks: I know Brotherhood will be good
Sonic Rob: ok, I think I get it
Sonic Rob: you don’t want to be tied up in a good game that keeps you from starting a transcendent game
Sig Fem Seks: It’s like Christmas presents
Sig Fem Seks: My mom got me a baseball bat, BUT HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT BIKE OVER THERE
Continue reading Guest Chat: Getting Excited About Video Games
Chat Box
Sonic Rob: new Space Marine movie has a tarty IG girl
Sonic Rob: her uniform bares her midriff
FyreHaar: what????
FyreHaar: send this so I may be scathing
Sonic Rob: I am so confuse
Sonic Rob: I may be wrong
Sonic Rob: that could be some tan underarmor
FyreHaar: That was tan underarmour
FyreHaar: there was no tart
FyreHaar: she looked hard
FyreHaar: but there is a dude with my haircut
Sonic Rob: LOL
Sonic Rob: emo chaos marine
FyreHaar: oh totally
Trailer Trash: Three Musketeers
FyreHaar: oh god, did you see the three musketeers trailer?
Sonic Rob: a while ago I saw one
FyreHaar: see the new one
FyreHaar: don’t be drinking anything
FyreHaar: I am all for putting a fresh spin on classic tales
FyreHaar: but this is just whack
Sonic Rob: orly?
FyreHaar: two words, straight from the pit of hell
FyreHaar: steam
FyreHaar: punk
Sonic Rob: oh dear =(
Continue reading Trailer Trash: Three Musketeers