Game Chat – DOW II: Retribution, First Impressions

DOW II: Retribution launched on March 1. As DOW II is the official game of I had it on day one. Once Sonic gets his spiffy collector’s edition in the mail we will have a more in depth review.

FyreHaar: started playing retribution last night

SonicRob: verdict?

FyreHaar: well,  it runs a bit slow but doesn’t crash

SonicRob: huh.  more demanding

FyreHaar: which is weird.

Continue reading Game Chat – DOW II: Retribution, First Impressions

Chat Box – Art imitates life, the bastard

FyreHaar: dude
FyreHaar: fucking BattleStarGalactica

SonicRob: heheheh
SonicRob: where are you?

FyreHaar: pres Roslin was close to death
FyreHaar: and she’s saying goodbye
FyreHaar: and there’s all this love and bittersweetness
FyreHaar: I’m still crying

SonicRob: yeahhhh
FyreHaar: I couldn’t sleep after that for hours
FyreHaar: she’s our mother
FyreHaar: I had to pause the fucking show and just sit there and sob
FyreHaar: I’m losing my shit at work
FyreHaar: fucking quality TV
FyreHaar: how dare they?

SonicRob: awwww

Chat Box Special – Geek Love

WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!: allo?
FyreHaar: allo!
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!: the new DoW expansion has been released!
FyreHaar: yes!
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!: shall I download it for you?
FyreHaar: I am trying to decide if I want the collector’s edition, it has posters
FyreHaar: screw it, yes please!!!

FyreHaar: you are the bestest husband ever!!!!!
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?!: I think you get bonus stuff for the race of your choice, which is that?
FyreHaar: oh! Eldar, please, unless you don’t approve, in which case, space marines

Geek Love is a partner who starts the Steam download so that by the time you get home from work, the new expansion pack is ready to play.

Chat Box: True Grit

FyreHaar: have you seen?
Sonic Rob: I have seen True Grit
Sonic Rob: ‘twas truly gritty
FyreHaar: I know that some reviews have found it stilted because of the oddly formal language
FyreHaar: but having seen “The Civil War” I know people talked like that
Sonic Rob: It’s a Coen Bros movie. Ergo, everyone talks funny
FyreHaar: I thought it set a tone
FyreHaar: it wasn’t distracting
Sonic Rob: Jeff Bridges’ toothless mumble, however…
Sonic Rob: so distracting
FyreHaar: really?
FyreHaar: I thought he was jus hella actressin
FyreHaar: His lack of clarity made me want to watch the movie at home
FyreHaar: so I could listen more carefully
Sonic Rob: uh
Sonic Rob: I don’t know if that is a plus
Sonic Rob: but I spose it will move DVDs
Sonic Rob: “Now with Cogtitles for the mumbley impaired”
FyreHaar: Did you enjoy it?
Sonic Rob: I did. It was a good western.
Sonic Rob: I liked that the bad guys were not black-and-white evil
Sonic Rob: you felt for them a bit
Sonic Rob: but not enough to make you feel bad about the good guys shooting them
Sonic Rob: just enough to enjoy the time spent with them
Sonic Rob: btw, Christoph Waltz is the best part of Green Hornet
Sonic Rob: for the same reason
Sonic Rob: he just exceeds expectations
FyreHaar: it took me quite a while to realize that Lucky Ned was Barry Pepper
FyreHaar: he was really good
Sonic Rob: I don’t know him from anywhere, so it was no big deal for me
Sonic Rob: The Baker was excited
FyreHaar: saving private ryan
FyreHaar: he was the sniper
Sonic Rob: /shrug
FyreHaar: 66*
FyreHaar: he was mickey mantle
Sonic Rob: I remember what he did, but nothing really about the actor
FyreHaar: anyways…
FyreHaar: I also enjoyed it
FyreHaar: it was very pleasing and satisfying
FyreHaar: I cried
FyreHaar: I laughed
FyreHaar: I felt gritty
Sonic Rob: The Baker’s brother was the one who pushed for us to go
Sonic Rob: he fell asleep 15 minutes in
Sonic Rob: I think he was expecting Tombstone
FyreHaar: what?
Sonic Rob: he was bored
FyreHaar: that is weak
FyreHaar: it was awesome from the get go!
Sonic Rob: the film is not for everyone
FyreHaar: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
FyreHaar: he did not abide
Sonic Rob: I think if you go expecting O Brother Who Shot Thou rather than Die Hard 5: It’s Very Dusty you will be ok

Dead Space: Luck is Dumb, But Stupid Kills

Spoilers for Dead Space, right from the get-go. That’s how we roll.

I just finished Dead Space the other night (scaaaaary!) and I’ve been thinking a bit about the story. Specifically I was wondering, as one does, why it is that Dead Space protagonist Isaac Clarke manages to survive the events of the game when literally nobody else that we meet does.

You could argue that Isaac is tough and resourceful, and certainly I won’t argue the point. But who isn’t? Hammond is the Chief Security Officer of the USG Kellion, which you would think entails a lot more training in the arts of crisis management and combat. Kendra is a deep-cover secret agent, who would also presumably have plenty of training in fighting and survival, yet both she and Hammond are unceremoniously squished by enemies that Isaac deals with more or less handily. On top of that, the entire military crew and soldier complement of the USM Valor are wiped out – almost to the last man – by Necromorphs in the time it takes them to intercept an escape pod containing a single enemy and then to crash into the Ishimura. What has Isaac got that any of these others don’t, other than plenty of dumb luck to get him through things? Continue reading Dead Space: Luck is Dumb, But Stupid Kills

The Haul ’10: Covered in Dirty Savings

Hey Fyre,

As is rapidly becoming traditional, the end of year sales are badly outshining the Black Friday sales that kicked off the holiday feeding frenzy. I’ve managed to restrain myself – sort of. The haul below represents “self-restraint” in my world:


Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time

Iron Grip: Warlord


Splinter Cell: Conviction

Supreme Commander 2

Tropico 3 Special Edition


I’m probably most excited for Bayonetta and Machinarium – the others were all just really good deals/targets of opportunity. What does your haul look like?