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FyreHaar: sigh, a website I used to really like has gone completely to shit
FyreHaar: I checked it out because one of the founders was like, I have absolutely nothing to do with this website any more, nothing at all

FyreHaar: it’s horrible now
Sonic Rob: a crafty site?
FyreHaar: just ads for beauty crap, it used to be about life and style stuff, introspection
FyreHaar: getting a better life, now it’s cellulite cream, etc.

Sonic Rob: man, I hope someday we have fans who can complain about how we sold out
FyreHaar: it’s obviously just been turned into a beauty news aggregator
FyreHaar: no real people writing anymore

Sonic Rob: and I will faintly hear them crying for us to return
Sonic Rob: and then I will sip my margarita and roll over to tan my back

FyreHaar: nice
Sonic Rob: my pale, grublike back
FyreHaar: while I post on my new blog about how I have nothing to do with fns anymore, at all
FyreHaar: and people should check out my new shit

Sonic Rob: exactly
FyreHaar: well, at least we have a goal!
Sonic Rob: now we know what to aim for
Sonic Rob: let’s make something worth bailing on!

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