Chat Box

SonicRob: does history have a “plot”?
FyreHaar: good books do
FyreHaar: Plot is just the story arc
FyreHaar: and the civil war is a pretty damn good one

SonicRob: plot is the imposition of illusory order upon the chaos of reality. it is the most fundamental way in which human beings fool themselves about the nature of existence
SonicRob: not that we have a choice
SonicRob: we turn everything into narrative
SonicRob: our minds just work that way

FyreHaar: are you saying that plot is an aspect of the gestalt mechanism of the human psyche?
SonicRob: like we are seeing bunnies in a cloud
FyreHaar: our inbuilt pattern recognition firmware
SonicRob: yes
FyreHaar: well, yeah
FyreHaar: ohh, I see a bunny in the sky…

Chat Box

SonicRob: Shinji Mikami, Goichi Suda and Akira Yamaoka are making a game together
FyreHaar: what have they done before?
SonicRob: That is like me saying that Sam Raimi, Spike Jonze and Danny Elfman are making a movie
FyreHaar: whoa
FyreHaar: freaky

SonicRob: Mikami invented Resident Evil
SonicRob: Suda invented No More Heroes and Killer 7
SonicRob: Yamaoka did the soundtrack for all the Silent Hill games and the film

FyreHaar: so a sort of Shawn of the Dead kind of game
SonicRob: they are like a Japanese videogame version of the Traveling Wilburys
SonicRob: that’s the thing, they are innovators
SonicRob: so who the fuck knows what they’ll do when you put them together?
SonicRob: I desperately hope there are no zombies in the game

FyreHaar: could be awesome, could be horrific could be blah
FyreHaar: blah would be worst

SonicRob: but it is supposed to be “action-horror”
SonicRob: yeah
SonicRob: I’d prefer a spectacular failure

Chat Box

FyreHaar: I finished Team of Rivals!!!!!
SonicRob: good work!
FyreHaar: it was
FyreHaar: I cried at the end
FyreHaar: it was sad

SonicRob: well, you know what happens to some people
SonicRob: coughLincolndiescough

FyreHaar: well. I always cry when Lincoln dies
FyreHaar: he was truly an amazing dude

SonicRob: oh man, I wept like a baby at the end of Abe Lincoln vs the Zombies
FyreHaar: how was that?
FyreHaar: it’s by the guy who did P&P&Z

SonicRob: the dialogue was too modern in places
SonicRob: he didn’t really create a sense of place
SonicRob: but the action was good
SonicRob: and the characters were interesting
SonicRob: hehe
SonicRob: “Team of Rivals and Zombies”

FyreHaar: team of rival zombies?
FyreHaar: team of zombie rivals!

SonicRob: Survival Rivals

Chat Box

SonicRob: 2 kinds of predators!
SonicRob: ork weirdboyz!
SonicRob: ahhhhh!!!!

FyreHaar: yay!!
SonicRob: oh fuck
FyreHaar: ??
SonicRob: each chaos leader is devoted to a different god
SonicRob: just like we said!

FyreHaar: just like we said!!!
SonicRob: yay us!
FyreHaar: yay relic loves us!!!!!
SonicRob: they are on our wavelength
FyreHaar: I asked for chaos in our first podcast
FyreHaar: we talked about the different gods

SonicRob: new multi mode
SonicRob: no team
FyreHaar: maybe they read our blog?
SonicRob: 6 individuals
FyreHaar: ffa???
SonicRob: ayup
FyreHaar: awesome sauceum
SonicRob: VPs count up instead of down
SonicRob: and you can destroy the VPs

FyreHaar: whoa!
SonicRob: there’s a fuck you
FyreHaar: for real
FyreHaar: can you fix it?

SonicRob: it costs, but yes
SonicRob: I still can’t believe it’s fucking Eliphas

FyreHaar: well in canon he survives Kaurava
FyreHaar: oh wait
FyreHaar: sorry that’s Firaveus

SonicRob: Kronos
SonicRob: he dies

FyreHaar: he really dies, bad
SonicRob: yeah
FyreHaar: like cast into the void
SonicRob: well, that’s chaos for ya
SonicRob: he was the only leader with a sense of humor

FyreHaar: yeah
FyreHaar: sexy voice, too

SonicRob: I wouldn’t know =P

Chat Box

SonicRob: man, that dictionary lady that Tycho linked is kinda hot
SonicRob: especially when she spells

FyreHaar: I think that is the idea
SonicRob: I bet she gets so much play now
SonicRob: M-W will be deluged with requests for her phone number
SonicRob: millions of fans for the dictionary redhead

FyreHaar: mmm, wordy girlz…….
SonicRob: fuck yeah wordy grrlz
SonicRob: If I were single I’d hit that like a pinata

Chat Box

FyreHaar: have you realized that Bigelow and Cameron are exes?
Sonic Rob: I have
Sonic Rob: it is a big deal about the Oscars
Sonic Rob: battle of the exes blah blah
FyreHaar: but seriously I hope she wins
FyreHaar: a woman hasn’t won
FyreHaar: only the fourth nod
Sonic Rob: the movie was good
Sonic Rob: Dunno about best movie of the year
Sonic Rob: Cameron may win it simply for dollar signs
Sonic Rob: which would say something about the academy
FyreHaar: it was a towering achievement
FyreHaar: and if LOTR won it makes sense that avatar would win
FyreHaar: they both pushed organizational and technical boundaries
Sonic Rob: it is a powerful bit of technique, granted
Sonic Rob: but the film itself
Sonic Rob: I don’t know
Sonic Rob: there is more to a film than how hard it was to make

Chat Box

Sonic Rob: btw, we may have to start a minor internet war with destructoid
Sonic Rob: they have come out against pie in favor of cake
Sonic Rob: they have called pie “an excuse to make you eat fruit”
Sonic Rob: whereas cake is lauded for its hedonistic and total lack of nutritional value
Sonic Rob: they have obviously never heard of fructose
FyreHaar: fuck cake
FyreHaar: cake is for fatties