Chat Box

FyreHaar: Dude, Bea Arthur left $300k for a center for LGBT Youth in New York
FyreHaar: Homeless LGBT Youth
FyreHaar: Bea Arthur for President!
FyreHaar: Zombie President!
Sonic Rob: let’s see anyone fuck with us then
FyreHaar: hell yeah!
FyreHaar: Assassinate this bitch!
FyreHaar: sorry, Assassinate this, bitch!
Sonic Rob: either works!
FyreHaar: exactly!
FyreHaar: yay grammar!

Chat Box

Sonic Rob:
Sonic Rob: science faiiiiiiiiiil
Sonic Rob: Aggressive kids have M-rated games. Do the games make kids aggressive? Do aggressive kids like violent games?
Sonic Rob: who can say?
Sonic Rob: certainly not these tards
FyreHaar: try this
FyreHaar: bullies are more likely to buy M-Rated games
FyreHaar: no one thinks of the other direction
FyreHaar: that someone who is already prone to violent behavior is more likely to want a game that includes graphic violence
FyreHaar: not the other way around
Sonic Rob: even if it did say that, someone would start waving it in front of Congress, saying games make kids crazy
Sonic Rob: nobody would read it
FyreHaar: why does no one stand up and say “Parents are role models for their children”
FyreHaar: “Parents are the greatest teacher, their behavior shows children how to behave”
Sonic Rob: because the parents are the audience for this crap
FyreHaar: they want to know that it’s not their fault
FyreHaar: if Jimmy gets in a fight
Sonic Rob: EXACTLY
FyreHaar: they want to be absolved of blame if their kids don’t turn out
FyreHaar: Well, sorry everyone, but you are the reason!
FyreHaar: you know why I am smart? Cuz my parents emphasized education and intelligence,
FyreHaar: there were consistent in the application of rules
FyreHaar: they provided good examples of behavior
FyreHaar: seeks to ban children’s access to “violent” videogames
FyreHaar: the fact is kids don’t buy these games, they get their parents to buy them
FyreHaar: and if parents won’t refuse to buy them and remove them if they are brought into the house, then there will still always be kids who get violent games
FyreHaar: same with R-Rated movies, porn, whatever

Notes on Notes: DOW II 1.8 Patch

Sonic Rob: btw, do you have any thoughts on the 1.8 patch notes?
FyreHaar: I don’t think they should have upped the cost of tier III
FyreHaar: I will never get that shit now

Sonic Rob: I mostly don’t anyway
Sonic Rob: it means more time until preds start rolling out

FyreHaar: I fear no armour
Sonic Rob: they buffed lootas in a big way
Sonic Rob: bopped em down to tier 1

FyreHaar: they needed, they were fucking useless
Sonic Rob: for real
FyreHaar: All personal teleport abilities now start on cooldown
FyreHaar: read – eat shit and die WSE

Sonic Rob: read eat shit and die ravener
Sonic Rob: but stikks are even scarier now
Sonic Rob: stikks get stun bombs without an upgrade
Sonic Rob: that explode instantly
Sonic Rob: fuck me

Sonic Rob: that
Sonic Rob: is not good

FyreHaar: Big stomp works on Spore Mines
FyreHaar: thank Chris
Sonic Rob: did it not?
FyreHaar: Spore mines are the most overpowered unit in the game
FyreHaar: it did not
FyreHaar: yeah, but Stikks are now T2
FyreHaar: # Moved Lootas to T1, changed their damage to equal a Space Marine’s Heavy Bolter
FyreHaar: good good, make lootas suppression like they should be
FyreHaar: I don’t think Stikks needed all that
FyreHaar: I’ve seen some people just wreak havoc

FyreHaar: Scout shotgun knock back ability now causes suppression
FyreHaar: good

Sonic Rob: pretty scary
FyreHaar: Plasma gun damage reduced from 90 to 70
FyreHaar: thank christ

Sonic Rob: they upped a lot of costs too
FyreHaar: Plasma gun damage vs infantry reduced to .7 from 1
FyreHaar: ahh
FyreHaar: less tac plasma spam
FyreHaar: Spore Mines are now susceptible to melee attacks
FyreHaar: yes yes yes!!!!
FyreHaar: Added sound cue when a player drops from a match
FyreHaar: very good
FyreHaar: sometimes I miss a drop then wonder why we got fucked

Sonic Rob: ah, nice
Sonic Rob: yeah, plasma needed a nerf

FyreHaar: we will see, but all in all I am feeling pretty good about it
Sonic Rob: yeah, I’m wondering what this will do to the pace of a game

Chat Box

FyreHaar: sigh, a website I used to really like has gone completely to shit
FyreHaar: I checked it out because one of the founders was like, I have absolutely nothing to do with this website any more, nothing at all

FyreHaar: it’s horrible now
Sonic Rob: a crafty site?
FyreHaar: just ads for beauty crap, it used to be about life and style stuff, introspection
FyreHaar: getting a better life, now it’s cellulite cream, etc.

Sonic Rob: man, I hope someday we have fans who can complain about how we sold out
FyreHaar: it’s obviously just been turned into a beauty news aggregator
FyreHaar: no real people writing anymore

Sonic Rob: and I will faintly hear them crying for us to return
Sonic Rob: and then I will sip my margarita and roll over to tan my back

FyreHaar: nice
Sonic Rob: my pale, grublike back
FyreHaar: while I post on my new blog about how I have nothing to do with fns anymore, at all
FyreHaar: and people should check out my new shit

Sonic Rob: exactly
FyreHaar: well, at least we have a goal!
Sonic Rob: now we know what to aim for
Sonic Rob: let’s make something worth bailing on!

Chat Box

Sonic Rob: you know what I want?
Sonic Rob: I want a web 2.0 site
Sonic Rob: that spies on my Steam games list and XBL
Sonic Rob: and automatically downloads demo’s of games that I might like based on that
Sonic Rob: like a gaming TIVO
FyreHaar: G-IVO
Sonic Rob: yeah!
Sonic Rob: Call it Alfred
Sonic Rob: “your Brutal Legend demo, sah”
FyreHaar: ahh, thank you, Alfred
Sonic Rob: of course, sah. Can I fetch you a brandy, your comfy slippers, and a small fan to keep your controller sweat-free?

In Which Our Heroes Converse re: Souls, Demonic

Sonic Rob: did you read what Tycho was saying about Demon’s Souls, this RPG where you can die and then be summoned by other online players?
Sonic Rob: that sounds kinda no fun
FyreHaar: I like that being dead is just another kind of existence
Sonic Rob: but I don’t want to do what other players tell me
Sonic Rob: I mean, maybe if I can become some barely-controlled force
Sonic Rob: and they just point me at the bad guys and let me have at ’em
Sonic Rob: that could be ok
Sonic Rob: but I don’t want to be told, “ok, now you attack”
Sonic Rob: I don’t want to watch someone else play my guy, you know?
FyreHaar: yeah
FyreHaar: I think you are like caspar the friendly ghost
Sonic Rob: see, I want to be like friggin’ Samara from the Ring
Sonic Rob: like curse someone with a bad case of me and lemme go to work on ’em
FyreHaar: that would be awesome
Sonic Rob: and then give me a whole type of play where I chase you around scaring the bejesus out of you and being indestructible
Sonic Rob: I mean, make it fair
Sonic Rob: like I can only come out of TVs, or I’m slow or something

Chat Box

Sonic Rob: have you followed this goofy American Police Force story? The private security guys that bought a prison in Montana?
Sonic Rob: they track cheating spouses, do “covert pregnancy tests” and sell duffle bags and nuclear weapons
Sonic Rob: or claim to, anyhow
Sonic Rob: sounds to me like a Soldier of Fortune subscriber won the lottery and wrote up a very silly business plan
Sonic Rob: oh, and the CEO is a con artist from Montenegro
FyreHaar: yeah, it’s a scam
FyreHaar: who’s gonna file a fraud claim when the WMD they paid for over the internet doesn’t come in
Sonic Rob: LOL
Sonic Rob: Khaddafi’s there reading his email, wondering where his nuke is, and when that Nigerian finance minister’s widow will get back to him

Chat Box

Sonic Rob: he had online gaming issues?
FyreHaar: he didn’t want to deal with the people
FyreHaar: when I was  like here, an FPS with no single player component

Sonic Rob: is he ok with being called a jew or whatever?
FyreHaar: I think he was doubtful
FyreHaar: he can just change server
FyreHaar: or kill the guy

Sonic Rob: haha
Sonic Rob: that is healthy

Chat Box

FyreHaar: did you see me take a tank with my WB??
SonicRob: I did
SonicRob: Klaw
FyreHaar: balls out!
SonicRob: yeah, you even left the shootas there
FyreHaar: I was like, fuck it! I’m killing this tank if it’s the last thing I do
SonicRob: haha
FyreHaar: I just targeted it with everything

SonicRob: now who’s making the geek act irrationally?
FyreHaar: I was raging
FyreHaar: I killed it and ran
SonicRob: yeah
SonicRob: “in your face!”
SonicRob: you gotta do that

FyreHaar: “Tanks!”
FyreHaar: ha
FyreHaar: man, watching those tanks run from the sight of my wagh was glorious

Chat Box

FyreHaar: That anglo saxon hoard is awesome!!
Sonic Rob: tis
FyreHaar: Second Anglo Saxon hoard ever
FyreHaar: now we can compare Sutton Hoo
Sonic Rob: awesome
FyreHaar: it’s so awesome to imagine all the old english dudes
FyreHaar: so very excited!
FyreHaar: over their tea
Sonic Rob: “I say.”
Sonic Rob: /monocledrop
Sonic Rob: that’s the British version of shitting your pants
FyreHaar: for ril