In Which Our Heroes Converse re: Souls, Demonic

Sonic Rob: did you read what Tycho was saying about Demon’s Souls, this RPG where you can die and then be summoned by other online players?
Sonic Rob: that sounds kinda no fun
FyreHaar: I like that being dead is just another kind of existence
Sonic Rob: but I don’t want to do what other players tell me
Sonic Rob: I mean, maybe if I can become some barely-controlled force
Sonic Rob: and they just point me at the bad guys and let me have at ’em
Sonic Rob: that could be ok
Sonic Rob: but I don’t want to be told, “ok, now you attack”
Sonic Rob: I don’t want to watch someone else play my guy, you know?
FyreHaar: yeah
FyreHaar: I think you are like caspar the friendly ghost
Sonic Rob: see, I want to be like friggin’ Samara from the Ring
Sonic Rob: like curse someone with a bad case of me and lemme go to work on ’em
FyreHaar: that would be awesome
Sonic Rob: and then give me a whole type of play where I chase you around scaring the bejesus out of you and being indestructible
Sonic Rob: I mean, make it fair
Sonic Rob: like I can only come out of TVs, or I’m slow or something

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