Guest Chat: Getting Excited About Video Games

Sig Fem Seks: Oh man
Sig Fem Seks: I’m getting excited about video games
Sig Fem Seks: Uncharted 3 and Skyrim are so close
Sonic Rob: it is true
Sonic Rob: I just started playing Catherine, so I have high hopes for that
Sig Fem Seks: I almost started Brotherhood yesterday
Sonic Rob: =(
Sig Fem Seks: but I realized that I won’t be able to finish it by the time Uncharted comes out
Sonic Rob: yeah
Sonic Rob: see, this is why being a player of new games sucks
Sonic Rob: you are beholden to release schedules
Sig Fem Seks: I’ve come to a realization that if I start a game and I don’t finish it before I start another game, I will never finish it
Sonic Rob: so don’t start the other game
Sonic Rob: I am sure there will be copies of Uncharted to buy once you are done with Brotherhood
Sig Fem Seks: No but that’s the problem
Sig Fem Seks: I have to play Uncharted ASAP
Sonic Rob: why?
Sig Fem Seks: to avoid spoilers and because I’ve been waiting for so long
Sonic Rob: hm
Sonic Rob: you know
Sonic Rob: I don’t think I wait for games
Sonic Rob: the statement “I’ve been waiting so long for this game that I must play it ASAP” has no resonance with me
Sig Fem Seks: Brotherhood is something I look forward to starting when I have nothing else to play
Sig Fem Seks: because I know it’ll be good
Sonic Rob: wait wait
Sonic Rob: you have to play Uncharted now
Sonic Rob: because you don’t know if it’ll be good?
Sig Fem Seks: Uncharted is on a different level than Brotherhood
Sig Fem Seks: I know it will be amazing
Sig Fem Seks: I know Brotherhood will be good
Sonic Rob: ok, I think I get it
Sonic Rob: you don’t want to be tied up in a good game that keeps you from starting a transcendent game
Sig Fem Seks: It’s like Christmas presents
Sig Fem Seks: My mom got me a baseball bat, BUT HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT BIKE OVER THERE
Sonic Rob: can’t wait to smash that bike with my new bat!
Sonic Rob: so really, it’s not fair to Brotherhood to be playing it but really be thinking about Uncharted the whole time?
Sig Fem Seks: Yeah
Sig Fem Seks: I want to be able to enjoy it
Sig Fem Seks: and not just get through it as fast as possible
Sig Fem Seks: and then Skyrim comes out 10 days after Uncharted
Sonic Rob: So you have to finish Uncharted in 10 days?
Sonic Rob: can you do that?
Sig Fem Seks: Shouldn’t be a problem
Sonic Rob: ok, then skyrim is like months and months of play, isn’t it?
Sig Fem Seks: Yeah
Sonic Rob: Cause Brotherhood is like 30 solid hours
Sonic Rob: you aren’t going to play it before the next assassin’s creed is out
Sig Fem Seks: Yeah
Sig Fem Seks: Revelations is November too
Sig Fem Seks: so I’ll pick up Revelations when it’s cheaper I guess
Sonic Rob: sure
Sonic Rob: isn’t that liberating?
Sig Fem Seks: Arkham City is the same way
Sig Fem Seks: I don’t have time to finish it, so I’ll get it when it’s cheaper
Sonic Rob: Yeah, I will gladly pay like $30 to play Arkham City GOTY when I have some free time
Sig Fem Seks: haha exactly
Sig Fem Seks: I waited 2 years for Arkham Asylum
Sig Fem Seks: and even then I wasn’t amazed
Sig Fem Seks: I just thought it was good
Sonic Rob: It was solid
Sig Fem Seks: I am rarely as impressed by games as I used to be
Sonic Rob: and yet, you are still as excited for games that aren’t out yet
Sig Fem Seks: Well
Sig Fem Seks: Uncharted 2 made it into my top 10 EVER
Sig Fem Seks: A nice snug fit at #10
Sonic Rob: dirty
Sig Fem Seks: But yeah, there are certain games you KNOW will be good
Sonic Rob: sure. LA Noire. GTA IV. State of Emergency.
Sig Fem Seks: Right
Sonic Rob: I get what you mean though. I was pretty happy when I got to play Space Marine.
Sonic Rob: But I wasn’t dying to play it.
Sig Fem Seks: Yeah exactly
Sig Fem Seks: I still have Mass Effect 2
Sig Fem Seks: sitting in the shrink wrap
Sonic Rob: =(
Sonic Rob: fun game
Sonic Rob: helps if you cared about the first one, tho
Sig Fem Seks: I barely did

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